
My Take on Gartner’s Latest Information Security Forecasts

In the past couple weeks, Gartner has shared its predictions and what it considers the most important technologies for information security. Having Gartner put its reputation behind what we at ManagedMethods have been seeing in the marketplace for the past year is both validating and auspicious. We’ve known that cloud security was a market space whose time had come and these announcements from Gartner continue to confirm our expectations.

With the daily announcements of major hacks and phishing schemes, now is the time to focus on the trends and technologies that will reduce your company’s risk.

Let’s first review some of Gartner’s predictions:

  • Prediction: Through 2020, 99% of vulnerabilities exploited will continue to be ones known by security and IT pros for one year
  • Prediction: By 2020, one-third of successful attacks experienced by enterprises will be on their shadow IT resources

With the ubiquitous use of cloud apps in companies of all sizes, shadow IT is constantly lurking. It’s not a matter of if a security breach will happen, but when. The key to avoiding becoming part of those dire predictions is visibility. How can you defend your company if you can’t see the enemy?

  • Prediction: By 2020, 80% of new deals for cloud-based CASB will be packaged with network firewalls, secure web gateway, and web application firewall platforms

We couldn’t agree more! To provide truly comprehensive IT and cloud security for your company, you need visibility into both network and cloud app use. The answer is a solution that integrates a CASB with one of these security platforms. As an example, ManagedMethods recently teamed up with WatchGuard to offer a solution that combines our CASB product with WatchGuard’s Firebox appliances. We also continue to explore other technology partnerships to provide these complete security solutions.

Obviously, we’re pleased about this ranking, since our cloud security product is a CASB! IT pros can stay a step ahead of security threats with the visibility and control that CASBs provide. CASBs not only help expose shadow IT, but also help companies meet strict compliance standards and maintain enterprise security policies.

To learn more about CASBs, watch this quick video explanation. And if these predictions have you worried (and they should!) request your free Cloud Security Assessment.

Cloud Security