
CASB: The Best Cloud App for Business That You’re Not Using

The best cloud apps for business are cloud app security solutions. Commonly referred to as Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs), they use a mix of hardware, software, and cloud-based solutions to improve cloud app security for businesses. Cloud security is the fastest growing sector of IT with over $500m in venture capital funding and roughly $260m in forecasted revenue in 2016. CASB revenues are forecasted to grow anywhere from 30 percent to 100 percent between now and 2020.

Why CASBs are the best “cloud app”

Cloud apps are easy to use so employees are much more likely to break IT security policies without considering the consequences. These unmonitored activities are known as Shadow IT. Shadow IT is a growing problem for businesses of all sizes because:

  • Traditional perimeter security solutions, such as firewalls, weren’t designed for cloud use.
  • Cloud services often lack basic security protection and assurances, so users are responsible for upholding security.
  • Sensitive data in the cloud is often shared between unapproved users and devices because it’s easy.
  • Each cloud service has differing security approaches and controls making management difficult.

Want to see for yourself why a CASB is the best security solution for your company? Watch our brief video tour of Cloud Access Monitor.

Security solutions designed with the cloud in mind are the only solutions that address the new risks created by increased cloud use. With the explosion of cloud apps in business, CASBs have become mainstream in a short period of time to help businesses improve cloud:

  • Data loss prevention (DLP)
  • Compliance
  • Policy enforcement
  • Intelligence
  • Control
  • Security

An easy approach to cloud security

Discover/Monitor – Businesses can start by shedding light on the extent of their Shadow IT problem. Through cloud activity monitoring businesses can learn:

  • How many apps are in use
  • Who’s using them
  • What apps
  • What data
  • How much
  • How often

Analyze Use/Assess Risk – Analyzing cloud behavior patterns provides the baseline for discussing and prioritizing the existing risks. This gives IT personnel an opportunity to discuss the somewhat messy business of regaining control over cloud-based activity.

Automate/Control – Policies need to be enforceable. After monitoring and assessing the risks, businesses can create smart policies and make sure they are upheld. When unsanctioned activities occur, follow up actions such as notifications, blocks or quarantines should occur automatically.

CASB shopping in a nutshell

Finding the right CASB isn’t as hard as it used to be when the category first emerged. The marketplace matured quickly through rapid solution development, mergers, and acquisitions.

Identify your pain points, monitor/analyze cloud risks, and decide which integrations are important. Then, look for a CASB that directly addresses those needs at the most affordable price.

Want to see why a CASB is the best security application for your business? Watch our brief video tour of ManagedMethods’ CASB tool, Cloud Access Monitor.

Cloud Security