by EdTech Digest staff
Hearty congratulations to The EdTech Awards 2021 finalists and winners! A year ago, the world turned upside down—talk about disrupting class. Students, educators, the workforce were all hit hard; schools, workplaces, conferences shut down or went virtual.
The worldwide pandemic put education and training to the test, but remote learning and working—in many unexpected ways—ultimately brought us closer. Trying times revealed strengths and capabilities of people, and workability of products. Leaders and innovators with their tools and techniques worked hard to keep the learning world connected to knowledge and each other. As so many have shown, nothing can stop the human spirit—and we continue to move forward.
The largest recognition program in all of education technology, The EdTech Awards from EdTech Digest recognizes people in and around education for outstanding contributions in transforming education through technology to enrich the lives of learners everywhere.
With edtech under pressure to deliver, have we now suddenly arrived at some ideal destination of the most purposeful, meaningful, engaging, effective, satisfying and productive learning experiences? No, but with indomitable resolve through times of challenge, we make our own future—and we’re getting there.
After a year like no other—to all those innovators, leaders, and trendsetters in K-12, higher ed, and workforce learning staying connected, productive, persistent, and getting us closer despite all challenges: we salute you.
(Finalists listed below – winners are marked with * )
Security Solution
Ericom Application Isolator
Intrado Safety Shield*
Open Systems Managed Detection & Response Service
Student Data Privacy Solution
Deledao Education Data Privacy
LearnPlatform District Privacy Solution*
Spirion Makes Data Privacy Programs Smarter