
EdTech Digest | Student Data Privacy: Self-Inflicted Wounds

by Eileen Belastock, EdTech Digest

As more learning moves online, what you can do now to further safeguard students.

Infographic - 2019 State of K12 Cybersecurity

If edtech leaders are going to lead the charge to protect student and educators data, it will take a concerted effort that involves all stakeholders in the school community.

Sensitizing students, staff, and educators about student data privacy will result in increased awareness and more communication and collaboration with school and district administrators.

Keeping systems up to date with security patches and addressing the challenges of interoperability with multiple systems will offer fewer opportunities for data to be accessible outside of the school district network.

According to Charlie Sander, Chairman, and CEO of ManagedMethods, if districts don’t have data available to steal, then there is nothing for hackers to steal. So establishing data governance within the district will set up parameters around access to data from unauthorized parties.


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