
Introducing The K-12 Tech Experience Podcast!

Hosted by ManagedMethods to Discuss K-12 IT, Cybersecurity, Student Safety & More

2020 changed everything in an instant when K-12 school districts had to close their doors and quickly move to remote learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students, teachers, and staff went from learning and working inside of schools to staying home to resume school virtually.

IT staff are playing a huge role in their school district’s transition to remote learning. And they will continue to be a critical component in keeping students and staff protected as schools continue to grapple with managing learning during the pandemic.

It’s important we hear the stories of those who work day in and day out to keep students and staff safe — whether they are learning and teaching from home or are in the physical classroom.

That is why we launched The K-12 Tech Experience podcast, with our first episode, today!

In this show, we’ll be exploring the latest trends in K-12 cybersecurity and talk with the IT leaders helping make schools safer. Each episode will discuss topics related to technology, cybersecurity, and cyber safety in schools. With the goal of sharing advice, tips, stories, and wisdom for all IT leaders.

Episode 1: Reflecting on 2020 & Looking Ahead to 2021

In this episode, we’re joined by Greg Hogan, the Network and Data Security Coordinator at Bibb County School District in Georgia. Greg shares with us some insight on Bibb County’s shift to remote learning back in March and at the start of the 2020 school year.

Throughout the conversation, we reflect on K-12 cybersecurity in 2020 and look ahead to what 2021 may hold. Check out a bit of the conversation (edited for brevity) below and make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear the rest.

JK: How about we start off with you sharing more about yourself, your career, how you’ve got to where you are today, and some background on your school district.

GH: Sure, absolutely. I’ve been in IT for almost 20 years now. I started out not in K-12, but started out in a call center doing web hosting for a couple companies in Atlanta and transitioned into K-12 as a baseline technician assigned to specific schools, then my role transitioned into a system administrator.

Over the years as a sys admin, I saw the need for security in K-12 and that was a role I took on and that evolved into a full-time position as a Network and Data Security Coordinator for Bibb County School District. I’ve been with Bibb County Schools for four years now and I enjoy it very much!

JK: Since the start of the 2020 school year, how has the transition to remote and/or hybrid learning been for Bibb County?

GH: It’s been great, Bibb County did a good job in that. We started our school year late, actually yesterday—yesterday being November 16—was the first day back for the students that did not opt for the e-learning option.

We’re in a hybrid environment where some kids are at home and some are at school, and that has been a learning process. We kind of got thrown into it in March when everything went down. From there, there has been a lot of learning and growing pains before the summer, and then it was a scramble to “OK, how are we going to do the next school year.”

We’ve launched into a late start with 100% e-learning at home and now this week we’re transitioning into the blended, hybrid mode.

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Listen to the rest of our conversation with Greg below and make sure to subscribe to The K-12 Tech Experience wherever you listen your podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

K-12 Cybersecurity