
Podcast | The Multi-Layered K-12 Cybersecurity Tech Stack

Episode 9: The Multi-Layered K-12 Cybersecurity Tech Stack

School districts have shifted further into the cloud with the increased adoption of Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 cloud applications. Bringing in more applications for students and staff to use from anywhere, at any time, is creating a new layer for district IT admins to address in their K-12 cybersecurity tech stack.

A cybersecurity tech stack—the tools, technologies, platforms, and vendors districts use to manage cybersecurity—differ depending on their IT infrastructure. Configurations may also change depending on the risk and compliance management needs of a district. The cloud layer, which is the newest and outermost layer, is forcing IT admins to update their tech stack in order to address all the different layers that come with today’s K-12 technology environment.

Justin Feltus, a System Specialist at Bremerton School District in Washington, joins us for this next episode of The K-12 Tech Experience podcast. During the episode, we take a closer look at the technology stack in districts and how Justin helped configure Bremerton’s to build a cost-effective cybersecurity and safety tech stack.

Continue reading to learn more about Justin and Bremerton School District. Listen to the rest of the conversation by subscribing to The K-12 Tech Experience podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your shows.

JK: Let’s start by learning more about yourself, your career, how you’ve got to where you are today, and a bit more about Bremerton School District.

JF: Bremerton School District is across the Puget Sound from Seattle. It’s a medium sized district with about 5,000 students, 800 staff or so. At the moment, we’re pretty much virtual because of COVID.

I started in this position with the district and have been here about six years now. We’re a small team but we get a lot done — it’s fun. We’re small enough where no one has to specialize, people can bounce around a bit if they’d like.

JK: Is Bremerton a Google district, Microsoft district, or a hybrid of the two?

JF: Mainly a Google shop. All of our teachers are issued Chromebooks and our students are 1:1 with Chromebooks. Office staff and administrators are still PCs, but a vast majority of what we do is in Google.

JK: How has the transition to remote and hybrid learning been for Bremerton?

JF: We are in a pretty good position at this point. We’ve given devices to kids, hotspots to those who need them. Learning is occurring. Was it easy? No. But we’re in a good spot since we just had a tech levy pass. We had plenty of Chromebooks already ordered that were in stock to hand out and were able to get on top of things quickly.

I’d say from the tech side of things, the most difficult thing was reacting to all the changes. You have to stay nimble.

Listen to the rest of our conversation with Justin below and check out previous episodes on the ManagedMethods podcast page. Make sure to subscribe to The K-12 Tech Experience wherever you listen to your podcasts, so you never miss an episode!

K-12 Cybersecurity