
Google Scopes

This Page describes the Google Scopes we use and how they are used in the Service. –

  1. To list the files in a drive. (files.list)
  2. To get the metadata of a file. (files.get)
  3. To move the file from one folder to another (files.patch)
  4. To trash a file. (files.trash)
  5. To export a primitive file (files.export)
  6. To list changes in a drive (changes.list)
  7. To watch changes in a drive (
  8. To get start page token for a drive (changes.getStartPageToken)
  9. To stop realtime channels (channels.stop)
  10. To list the permissions of a file (permissions.list)
  11. To add permission to a file (permissions.insert)
  12. To delete permissions from a file (permissions.delete)
  13. To download a file with downloadUrl
  14. To list teamdrives. (teamdrives.list)
  15. To list files of a teamdrive.
  16. To get permissions of a teamdrive file. –

  1. To set up a push notification watch (
  2. To stop a push notification (users.stop)
  3. To list the history of all changes of a mailbox (users.history.list)
  4. To list the messages in a mailbox (users.messages.list)
  5. To get the message from message-id for a mailbox (users.messages.get)
  6. To modify the labels of a message (users.messages.modify)
  7. To permanently delete a message (users.messages.delete)
  8. To permanently delete messages in batch (users.messages.batchDelete)
  9. To get attachments in a message (users.messages.attachments.get) –

  1. To get the activity for drive, logins, tokens. –

  1. To get the customer usage report.

  1. To list the users in a G Suite domain (users.list)
  2. To suspend/unsuspend a user (users.update)

  1. To list groups in a G Suite domain (groups.list)
  2. To list members of a group (members.list)

  1. To list the tokens , specified user has issued to third party application. To get the info about the third party apps being used by an user. (tokens.list)

  1. To list the organizational units for a G Suite account. (orgunits.list)

  1. To list the domains for a G Suite account. (domains.list)

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