
The Year of the CASB

As 2017 gains momentum, I’m reminded of how quickly cloud apps have completely conquered the business world in recent years. But the transition hasn’t always been easy and security in the cloud is still a major concern. The more businesses use the cloud, the more control they’re giving up, until now. We’ve spent every hour of every week for the past few years perfecting one of the best cloud security platforms in the industry, but we still have one of our biggest challenges ahead of us: Many businesses aren’t aware that our cloud security solution, Cloud Access Monitor, can be setup in 30 minutes or less, is simple to use, AND affordable. (yeah, I said that…how many software companies claim that?) Our recent spotlight in Fortune magazine is one of the many ways we are trying to spread the word.

Recognizing the problem

The transition from desktop to the cloud wasn’t well planned. Many workflows weren’t intentional well-designed processes; they were adopted, forgotten, rehashed, hacked and cobbled-together. The loss of control over workflows can chaotic, which isn’t always a bad thing, but a lack of oversight leaves big gaps in security, and that only benefits the bad guys. Sensitive business data and client information can be shared with the world and no one would even know it happened. This unmonitored activity in the cloud creates Shadow IT. Shadow IT is responsible for 1/3rd of all breaches, but most businesses don’t even realize how much of their data is almost public and always vulnerable.

Flipping the light switch on

Businesses aren’t wholly responsible for the Shadow IT security gap. Many of the cloud solutions available, referred to as Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), are difficult to integrate, hard to use and completely out of reach financially. As CASBs battle for the enterprise market, everyone else has gritted their teeth waiting patiently for something less expensive and tailored to their specific needs. That’s why we’ve made the most efficient cloud security solution available, Cloud Access Monitor, integrate with the most popular business cloud apps:

Cloud security made easy

Every business wants to be assured that their data is safely used and shared in the cloud. Just like you want to be assured your own safety when driving your car. But since most companies just need a dependable Honda to get from point A to point B, there’s no point in bothering with a flame retardant suit, helmet, roll cage and five point safety harness! Businesses will be much more likely to secure the cloud when security solutions are efficient. Cloud Access Monitor is like the safety belt and airbag system: so easy to use that you don’t have to think about it, but you DO need to know about it. 2017 is going to be the year companies “buckle up” and embrace cloud security.

Fortune CASB Feature Fortune CASB Feature

Click the image to read our spotlight article in Fortune. 

Cloud Security