
ColoradoBiz | Colorado Companies to Watch names its 2020 award finalists

by ColoradoBiz Staff

Colorado Companies to Watch (CCTW), presented by Bank of America, announced the finalists of its 2020 Colorado Companies to Watch Awards.

This is the twelfth year CCTW has presented the annual award, a unique program that honors 50 high-performing, second-stage companies from across the state. Founded in 2009, CCTW recognizes the contribution high-growth small businesses make in Colorado’s economy through job creation, revenue generation, innovative products and services and philanthropic efforts.

“This year more than ever, we need leadership, innovation, motivation and inspiration as we navigate these unprecedented times. Colorado’s second-stage business community is positioned to lead us through this change, as they naturally demonstrate all the qualities that ignite our communities with potential beyond measure,” says Jill Terry, chair of the Board at Colorado Companies to Watch and assistant dean of the College of Business Graduate Programs at Colorado State University. “Our Finalists stand out above all others and are the driving force behind Colorado’s economy and are the hope for the state’s recovery. We are honored to recognize their success.”


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