March 02, 2016 • Data Sheets

Cyber Safety & Security Compliance Data Sheet

Regulatory Compliance for Schools Using Google Workspace & Microsoft 365

Close Cyber Safety and Security Compliance Gaps in Your District’s Online Learning & Working Environment

Meeting federal and state compliance regulations is a challenge for K-12 IT teams. Compliance visibility and control are lost when your district moves to cloud data storage and communications.

If your schools are using Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 without a cloud monitoring tool you’re vulnerable to cyber attacks and compliance gaps.

Federal Regulatory Compliance for K-12 Schools
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA)
  • Federal Tax Information (FTI) compliance
  • Civil Rights Act

ManagedMethods makes data security, student safety, and compliance in Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and in the browser easy and affordable for K-12 school districts. Pricing is set at a flat per-user rate, with no hidden fees for multiple OS, devices, or apps and is licensed on an annual subscription basis.

Our team is always here to help you succeed! Full training, support, and product updates are included in your annual subscription. Contact our award-winning customer support team for on-going cloud security and student safety success.

Download the data sheet and learn more about how ManagedMethods helps K-12 school districts with regulatory compliance

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Data Sheets
Written By: David Waugh