March 06, 2020 • Videos

Customer Testimonial: Hillsboro-Deering School District

Hillsboro-Deering School District Secures Data & Monitors for Student Safety Signals in Google Workspace

“At the time I was contacted by ManagedMethods, I really wasn’t looking for a solution. I knew I had a problem because the state had recently passed a law requiring school districts to adhere to some of the NIST standards. The monitoring and tracking user accounts requirements in the NIST standards play right into the ManagedMethods platform and it’s the perfect fit.

What I really like about ManagedMethods is that it’s effective and within a few clicks I can see exactly what’s happening across my Google infrastructure. The student safety component of ManagedMethods paid for itself within a few weeks. We had a couple of incidents that we would not have caught had it not been for ManagedMethods.

Give ManagedMethods a try! You’ll be shocked by what you find. Not only from where your students and staff are logging in but also what kind of content they have in the drive that you thought you had prevented them from storing there.”

Neal Richardson
Director of Technology
Hillsboro-Deering School District

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Written By: Katie Fritchen