March 24, 2022 • Webinar Recordings

K-12 Cybersecurity, Safety & Compliance in Google Workspace & Microsoft 365

Webinar Recording On-Demand

Learn How IT Leaders Use Cloud Monitor To Make K-12 Cybersecurity, Safety & Compliance in Google Workspace & Microsoft 365 Easy

Technology is at the forefront of K-12 education, and IT teams are struggling to keep up with demands on their time on a relatively flat budget.

According to an EdWeek Market Brief report, districts with more than 1,000 students are accessing an average of 1,449 edtech tools per school year.

Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 for Education fueled K-12’s move to cloud computing by providing many benefits at a low price compared to on-premises. But they have also introduced many new and unique risks to cybersecurity and student cyber safety.

ManagedMethods is a cybersecurity and student safety platform built specifically for K-12 technology teams. Our goal is to alleviate some of the challenges you face by providing visibility, control, and automation to your Google Workspace and/or Microsoft 365 demands.

Justin Feltus, Systems Administrator at Bremerton School District, and Reginald Gossett, Executive Director of Technology at Troup ISD discuss how Cloud Monitor helps them secure data, monitor student safety risks, and generally make their jobs a little easier.

During this session, you will learn:

  • How Cloud Monitor protects data from ransomware, phishing, and account takeovers
  • How your district can monitor Google Workspace and/or Microsoft 365 for student safety risks, such as self-harm, cyberbullying, violence, discrimination, sexually explicit content, and other types of toxic online behavior
  • How automating tasks helps keep your district more safe and secure—and helps you keep your sanity!

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Webinar Recordings
Written By: Katie Fritchen