October 15, 2020 • Webinar Recordings

How to Apply the NIST Cybersecurity Framework in K-12

Webinar Recording On-Demand

How Hillsboro-Deering School District Keeps Data Secure & Students Safe in Remote Learning

School districts face unique challenges this year. Cyber attacks like ransomware, phishing, and account takeovers threaten student, staff, and district business data. Cybersecurity is often neglected in K-12, and worrisome cybersecurity skills and funding gaps must be addressed to protect districts.

In 2018, New Hampshire passed state law RSA 189:66 mandating school districts to comply with a subset of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework standard.

Neal Richardson, Director of Technology at Hillsboro-Deering School District, implemented the new compliance standards for his district. Learn how he kept his district's data secure and his students safe in this webinar recording.

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Webinar Recordings
Written By: Alexa Sander