June 18, 2021 • Webinar Recordings

The State of 2021 K-12 Cybersecurity, Safety, & Privacy

Webinar Recording On-Demand


In 2020, The K-12 Security Information Exchange (K12 SIX) and The K-12 Cybersecurity Resource Center reported 408 publicly disclosed cyber incidents impacting K-12 school districts — an 18% increase compared to 2019.

School districts are experiencing changes in the cybersecurity landscape. Ransomware and phishing have decreased, while data breaches and virtual class invasions have increased. More incidents are happening in cloud applications, such as Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. IT teams must improve visibility and control over staff and student activity to ensure safety.

In this webinar, K12 SIX National Director Doug Levin discusses cybersecurity and the findings from his report, The State of K-12 Cybersecurity: 2020 Year in Review. He is also joined by a panel of K-12 IT leaders who share their experiences from this past year regarding cybersecurity, safety, and privacy.

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Webinar Recordings
Written By: Alexa Sander