September 25, 2020 • Webinar Recordings

Back to School in the Year of COVID-19: Trends & Lessons Learned

Webinar Recording On-Demand

Prepare for the shifting needs and conflicting plans for the 2020-21 school year

In Spring 2020, K-12 school districts shifted to remote learning due to COVID-19 building closures.

The 2020 Remote Learning Security Poll Results indicate that over 60% of school districts planned for some hybrid learning this school year, and 32% were undecided as of July. This means the role of K-12 IT leaders and administrators is expanding as learning environments disperse.

This webinar recording features a panel of IT leaders and system admins discussing how they adapted to the changes, what they learned, and their plans for the future.

This recorded session covers:

  • How K-12 IT leaders & their teams used the summer to prepare for the start of the 2020-21 school year
  • How they are navigating the start of school in the year of COVID-19
  • What technologies are recommended and what to look for in potential vendor(s)/partner(s)
  • The successes & lessons learned following the start of the school year

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Webinar Recordings
Written By: Alexa Sander