November 12, 2018 • White Papers & eBooks

Cyber Safety and Security for K-12 Education

Understanding The 3 Main Layers of Cloud Safety & Security For K-12 School Districts

How cloud security, content/internet filtering, and campus safety management technology layers work together to keep your district safe and secure

Data security and campus safety are both high priorities for administrative staff in K-12 school districts. How you use the tools at your disposal, and the information provided through them, determines if technology will ultimately become a friend or foe.

With this ebook, you will learn why cyber safety and security are important, what they are, and how they are different. It also covers the three most common categories in K-12 cloud security: cloud security, content/internet filtering, and campus safety management.

After reading this ebook, you will:

  • Understand the importance of cyber safety and security measures in K-12 school districts
  • Discover how different solutions layer to provide the best level of security and safety
  • Explore common use cases for each type of cloud security option
  • Decide which types of cloud security options are best for your school district's needs and budget
Free eBook: K-12 Cloud Security & Safety Comparison - click to download PDF. No forms!
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Written By: David Waugh