January 31, 2023 • Infographics

11 Tips For Protecting Student Data Privacy & Security in EdTech

K-12 School Systems Need to Have Concrete Data Security & Privacy Policies

Are you aware of the gaps in your district's student data privacy policy?

Plugging these gaps can be hard, especially if you don't know where they are coming from.

Data security is an ever-present threat now that most school districts trust student information to online cloud services. There's also another significant problem: third-party edtech vendors. District administrators know that their vendors are processing, accessing and storing student information, but they might not realize many are violating student privacy in the process.

To help you understand the significance of the problem, let's further examine how to protect student data and maintain privacy at your district.

Additional student data privacy resources:

  1. Free Download: Google Workspace & Microsoft 365 Data Security Checklist
  2. Article: 5 School Data Privacy Risks And How To Prevent Them
  3. Article: 11 Tips For Protecting Student Data Privacy And Security in Education Technology
  4. Article: 5 EdTech Data Privacy Risks And How They Impact Student Data Privacy & Security
  5. Free Download: 5 Types of Student Data Schools Store in the Cloud
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Written By: Alexa Sander