
Product Update | NEW! Live Google Chat Search

ManagedMethods releases NEW features for quickly searching cybersecurity risks and student safety signals in your district’s Google Chat


These days, students at school are constantly “plugged in” and chatting with each other. Google Chat is an app that teachers, students, and staff use to communicate with each other. Because it is text-based, ManagedMethods can flag cybersecurity risk categories and identify student safety signals in specific user chat within any time frame.

Google Chat Cybersecurity and Cyber Safety Monitoring

Most districts don’t have cybersecurity technology to identify data loss risks and control data sharing in Google Chat. But if you can’t see what’s going on, you can’t identify when there is an issue! Additionally, most schools are still reliant on network security tools like firewalls and web content filters, most of which only work with the district network. With Chat being used (often) on non-school-owned devices, your district’s firewall and content filter are likely useless in securing data and protecting student data privacy.

Students using Google Chat can also represent significant cyber safety and CIPA compliance issues. Whether it’s a case of cyberbullying, sharing explicit content, or self-harm thoughts or actions, time matters, and all these signals could signify a problem.

ManagedMethods can provide districts with the ability to detect cloud security and student safety signals quickly and easily across the entire Google for Education domain—from any location, on any device—without impeding the student’s privacy outside of school technology use.

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ManagedMethods’ NEW Google Chat Live Search

ManagedMethods admins can now do a deep dive search into any student, teacher, and staff’s Google Chat history. With no specific time-frame requirements, your search can go as far back in history as you’d like, as long as the chats still exist within your domain.

New Google Chat Monitoring Capabilities Include:

  • By quickly looking through a specific user’s Google Chat, you gain helpful cybersecurity risk information or student safety signals from whatever and whenever a user was chatting in the app
  • There is no time limit on how far back your search can go
  • Gain control over managing what files and chats are being stored in your Google domain
  • And more!
Product Update - Live Google Chat Search

…And that’s how ManagedMethods can help your IT admin gain even further insight into the cybersecurity and student safety capabilities that have made ManagedMethods a much-loved tool for K-12 IT teams using Google for Education and Microsoft 365. Enjoy these Live Google Chat Live Search capabilities, and much more, 100% free for 30 days when you activate your free trial. Set up takes just minutes.

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